Thursday, October 27, 2011

Blog Assigment #4

     Carly sighed, "Daryl, why can't you ever come home in time for dinner?" Her husband's absence at the dinner table was a growing occurrence.
     "Dammit Carly, I don't need you harassing me when I'm trying to relax!" exclaimed Daryl. 'Man, I'd wish she'd get off my case sometimes.' he thought.
     "It's not my fault," whispered Carly, "that your job is more important than your family."
     "You know I need this job to support our family!"
     "I know," Carly hissed, then her tone got lighter, "I just don't want you to neglect Betty and Bobby."
      Daryl spoke softly, "Don't be silly, it'd never come to that." Suddenly a heave of guilt ran through him. He hated to look into the accusing eyes of his children whenever he missed a soccer game, or a school play.
     "If you say so," muttered Carly, unconvinced.
     "Tell you what," Daryl announced, "Why don't I take you and the children to the city this weekend?
     "Really!? You mean it?"
     "Sure! We can go shopping, have dinner and go see a movie?" suggested Daryl.
     Carly smiled, "That'd be wonderful Daryl! I'll tell the children at breakfast tomorrow."
     "I'll try to finish work early too," Daryl continued, "so I can be home for dinner with my family." Carly smiled, silently appreciating her husband's efforts to spend more time with his family.

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