Friday, September 30, 2011

The Best Story Ever..

George was alone in the stable when Curley's wife appeared in the doorway. Their eyes locked remembering the good old times. George knew that Curley’s wife was a wolf in sheep’s clothing.  He knew it was better to ignore her then open up a can of worms. Curley’s wife knew she was barking up the wrong tree but she decided he was still a dead ringer for her true love Brad Pitt. Like a deer in the headlights, George was running while standing still. Curley’s wife ran over towards him quicker than a New York minute. She said “To be honest with you, I want to turn over a new leaf and leave Curley, and I want you to come along for the ride.” “But why me?” asked George. “Because you’re the apple of my eye!” breathed Curley’s wife. George knew there was something fishy about this but he decided to go with the flow because all is fair in love and war and could not hold back his love any longer. He was also at his wit’s end working and taking care of Lennie. Before she could speak again, Lennie flew in like a bat out of hell. “George?” he said. “You should make a break for it!” Now usually Lennie’s elevator doesn’t reach the top floor because he is crazy like a fox but today he was smarter than the average bear. George knew it was time to make like a tree and leave. He and Curley’s ex wife ran like the wind down the road. Candy saw them on the run and softly muttered “Here today, gone tomorrow.”  George and Curley's ex wife knew they were a match in heaven. They fled to the Big City, and both made it big as movie stars, accomplishing Curley’s wife’s big dream. At the end of the day, they had more money than brains and got the last laugh when they got hitched and were happily ever after.

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