Thursday, September 22, 2011

A Moral Dilemma

Andrea Livolsi
123 Green Ave
Penticton, B.C
V2A 3W1

September 22, 2011
John Smith, Mayor
Smalltown, B.C
Dear Sir;

I am writing a letter to you today to discuss my opinion on Mr. Grass's involvement in the World War II Holocaust and if there should be any justice. First, I would like to thank you for inquiring my opinon on this serious matter. Mr. Grass has undeniably committed awful crimes against humanity, over seeing the death of 15,000 people is very tragic and unforgettable. Mr. Grass can never "make up" for these actions per say, but he can strive to give back to his community in his remaining years of life.

Mr. Grass served as your community's mayor for 36 years. He was continually elected time and time again, because the citizens of your community adore him as a mayor. These were citizens of all religions, ethnicities, and backgrounds. I believe you should not ruin their precious, admirable perspective they have of Mr. Grass. If the citizens were informed of Mr. Grass's involvement in World War II, this would change their opinion on everything he has done for them. The workers in his factory would quit, perhaps putting people out of work. There is also the moral concept that the families who received donation from him would feel terrible accepting charity from a man they would now believe is a monster.
Mr. Grass also has a large family whom I believe he is very close with after his wife's death six years ago. John, having a family yourself you wouldn't want your spouse, children or grandchildren to be informed of something awful that would change their opinion forever about you. Mr. Grass has already lost his wife; I don't think he should have to lose the rest of his family as well.
Mr. Grass has also donated large sums to charities and to families who are unable to make ends meet. I understand that no sum of money can make up for a person's life; however Mr. Grass is showing that he is a compassionate man who cares about others. He is not a ruthless cold blooded killer. Mr. Grass clearly has a wide heart and reaches out to those in need.
John, I understand that helping a community of 1,000 people does not make up for having involvement in killing 15,000. However, Mr. Grass has had to live with this burden his whole life, his actions of reaching out and bettering other people's lives shows he has tried to spend the rest of his life to better people's lives, not take them away. I believe all evidence should be destroyed. I believe if you informed the community, you would damage not only their outlook on Mr. Grass and his positive actions, but you would destroy Mr. Grass's family in his last few years of live with them.
Please do the right thing and do not reveal Mr. Grass's secret nor try him for it.

Andrea Livolsi

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