Friday, November 11, 2011

Blog Assigment #5 College Admission; Why am I the Greatest?

Even Muhammad Ali knows I'm the greatest. I'm so eco friendly that I drive my car without gasoline. I have counted to infinity and back in twenty four hours. I taught my English teacher how to speak English. The small village of Narnia believes I am their Queen. The Great Wall of China was designed by me. When Humpty Dumpty fell, I was there to put him back together again. Then pushed him off the wall. Again. I'm so great, M.C Hammer lets me touch him. I am not for war, but for peace.

I don't plan my day around time. Time plans it's way around me. I opened 22 orphanages in Africa, accompanied by 12 schools and 17 hospitals. I donate blood to the Red Cross every 12 hours. I own a diamond mine in Australia in which all proceeds go to under privileged children. In my science laboratory, I have brought 357 extinct species back into the world. I have coffee with Tupac Shakur every Saturday morning. Biggie Smalls is our barista. I traveled to the Middle East, met many orphaned children, and adopted all of them.

The President asks my advice frequently, because he knows Canadians are smarter. I have trouble leaving my home because so many people are waiting for my autograph. Everyone asks me where I get my hair done, but it's just naturally awesome. I'm a writer, dancer, and lawyer. Building time machines is a favorite past time of mine. I have caught all the Pokémon.

I am a power ruler, brilliant scientist and dedicated humanitarian. I created Microsoft word making computers safer, faster, and more secure. I then lost the software in a poker game against Bill Gates. I can speak French, Finnish, Spanish, English and Mandarin. I once found a $100.00 American bill in Mexico and gave it to impoverished girl. I design the most elegant fanny packs, shoulder pads, and leather pants. I have never used the "backspace" key on my keyboard. I don't make mistakes.

I frequently see my face in newspapers, magazines, and T.V. I can drink 4L of milk and not throw up. I have been in marathons, triathlons, and races. I was given permission to drive before I even got my driver's license. In less than two minutes, I can cure any computer of a virus. I danced on Broadway, sang on American Idol, and played the Amazing Race. I have played soccer without a soccer ball. Yet I have not gone to college.

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