Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Blogg Assignment #10

“Plugged In”

“Cell-fishness” as it has been satirically dubbed, or cell phone addiction has intoxicated our society, and not necessarily just the youth. Kevin Newman, fifty two, was awarded with an honorable document at a ceremony and after he “took his seat on the dais, [he] began typing on his iPhone.” Pamela Eyring, director of the Protocol School of Washington, that teaches social manners viewed this as “rude, period.” The article “Public Displays of Disaffection” excerpted from MacLean’s Magazine debates that controversial subject of cell phone usage, or “cell-fishness” in daily life. The article’s most perplexing information said that “10% of people under age 25 didn’t see anything wrong with texting during sex.” This fact was also supported by the predictable statistic that reveals “the younger you are, the more tolerant you’ll be to electronic distraction.” There is even a “National Cellphone Courtesy month” in the United States, “requiring awareness- as if it [were] a disease.”

The information from this article is shocking and appalling. Not too many years ago, it would been highly frowned upon to text or use a electronic device while at a noble ceremony accepting a honorable award, however today it is widely accepted by many groups. Where do we draw the line? From here, it is a slippery slope. When does the line get blurred between doctors or physicians using cell phones while operating? It is an addiction, and an unhealthy one at that. Also the “National Cellphone Courtesy Month” may promote proper etiquette on texting, it is borderline pathetic the problem has escalated to that. The first step to recovering from "cell-fishness" is to "turn it off, - it's a start."

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