Thursday, December 15, 2011

Blog Assigment #11 Santa Letter

Evyn Haberstock
Sports Lane Road
232 Volleyball Street
V2A 4B6

December 18th, 2011
Santa Claus, North Pole

Dear Santa;
I have been very good this year.  I have also been doing well in all my classes and playing lots of sports, which means my locker is always full of sweaty gym clothes. I think my locker partner would appreciate a air freshener or some laundry detergent, perhaps an unlimited supply of disposable gym clothes. I would also love some Old Spice deodorant, Rebecca's old men deodorant and sweaters have inspired me. I would also like some driving lessons because well Santa, you probably wouldn't believe it but a cop pulled me over a few weeks ago on Main Street.Except I was parked. I thought he had stopped because I had too many people in the car, you can imagine my surprise when he told me I was pulled over for my parking job. The rear end of my car was sticking out so bad that it blocked the lane next to it. I wasn't given a ticket, but a face full of red embarrassment was punishment enough.
I would also like some pen-ink remover. You see quite a few years ago, I was at a sleepover with some friends at J******'s house and I was the first one to fall asleep and they drew all over me. It took weeks to scrub the permanent marker off.
I don't need to ask you for smarts and intelligence because you already know I'm a straight A student and all, (kind of), maybe it's because my dad is the Biology teacher, he just passed along the wisdom and my amazing athletic ability.

Thanks Santa!

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