Friday, November 11, 2011

Blog Assignment #6 Effective Imagery

"SMASH!" I heard the sound of a glass bottle make contact with the floor. Shards of glass sprayed the ground like a light snowfall. Everyone turned to look except one individual. He looked up, and caught my gaze. Here, I looked into the eyes of a man who looked as old as the Egyptian Pyramids. The light blue of his eyes was startling, almost as white as ice. His old, beaten, weathered hands that sooner resembled leather than human skin held a cigarette in his arthritis curled fingers. The wrinkles stretching across his forehead and between his eyes were like deep crevasses, showing weathering and age. The cigarette glowed like a burning candle. He clearly battled insomnia; below his eyes were dark shadows that resembled bruises. He stared at me intently, as though trying to figure me out. Bulging tendons ran up his arm like snakes when he brought the cigarette to his lips. When he exhaled, the smoke was a white halo encircling his head. His icy eyes looked toward the bartender, breaking his hypnotic gaze.

Blog Assigment #5 College Admission; Why am I the Greatest?

Even Muhammad Ali knows I'm the greatest. I'm so eco friendly that I drive my car without gasoline. I have counted to infinity and back in twenty four hours. I taught my English teacher how to speak English. The small village of Narnia believes I am their Queen. The Great Wall of China was designed by me. When Humpty Dumpty fell, I was there to put him back together again. Then pushed him off the wall. Again. I'm so great, M.C Hammer lets me touch him. I am not for war, but for peace.

I don't plan my day around time. Time plans it's way around me. I opened 22 orphanages in Africa, accompanied by 12 schools and 17 hospitals. I donate blood to the Red Cross every 12 hours. I own a diamond mine in Australia in which all proceeds go to under privileged children. In my science laboratory, I have brought 357 extinct species back into the world. I have coffee with Tupac Shakur every Saturday morning. Biggie Smalls is our barista. I traveled to the Middle East, met many orphaned children, and adopted all of them.

The President asks my advice frequently, because he knows Canadians are smarter. I have trouble leaving my home because so many people are waiting for my autograph. Everyone asks me where I get my hair done, but it's just naturally awesome. I'm a writer, dancer, and lawyer. Building time machines is a favorite past time of mine. I have caught all the Pokémon.

I am a power ruler, brilliant scientist and dedicated humanitarian. I created Microsoft word making computers safer, faster, and more secure. I then lost the software in a poker game against Bill Gates. I can speak French, Finnish, Spanish, English and Mandarin. I once found a $100.00 American bill in Mexico and gave it to impoverished girl. I design the most elegant fanny packs, shoulder pads, and leather pants. I have never used the "backspace" key on my keyboard. I don't make mistakes.

I frequently see my face in newspapers, magazines, and T.V. I can drink 4L of milk and not throw up. I have been in marathons, triathlons, and races. I was given permission to drive before I even got my driver's license. In less than two minutes, I can cure any computer of a virus. I danced on Broadway, sang on American Idol, and played the Amazing Race. I have played soccer without a soccer ball. Yet I have not gone to college.